A Comprehensive Review Of Hemp Clothing

Do any of you know what hemp is? This is one of the cannabis plants used as a material for the fashion industry to support environmental sustainability. This time we will give you a comprehensive review of hemp clothing.

What is Hemp?

The fashion industry is one of the biggest polluters, so smart innovations are needed. The rise of the fashion industry increasingly threatens the environment. Sustainable fashion products are one of the solutions that many people are looking at to be more environmentally responsible.

Not only can it support ethical fashion, but hemp is also one of the leading ingredients in fashion products with many benefits. So what is hemp? Hemp is one of the varieties of Cannabis, this plant has a big role in various industries including fashion. We can use hemp to produce construction materials, food, oil, and textiles.

Hemp is also a sustainable crop, it does not require too much water, fertilizer, or pesticides to care for hemp plants. Hemp can grow quite fast and does not deplete the soil and can even fertilize the soil. Another claim is that hemp can eliminate soil pollutants, one of which is cadmium.

Hemp For Clothing Industry

As mentioned above, hemp has a promising role in various industries. However, hemp is mostly utilized for the clothing industry. Although at first hemp was only favored by those who are passionate about marijuana, after years, more and more people are aware of the benefits of hemp fiber for textile fabrics.

Although it is related to marijuana, so hemp has a negative impression, but there are many benefits from clothing that uses hemp fabric. Many types of clothing are made using hemp materials including pants, shirts, sweatshirts, jackets, dresses, upholstery, sheets, and many more.

What are the Benefits of Hemp Clothing?

As more and more fashion consumers become conscious of environmental sustainability, they will look for fashion solutions that do not hurt the environment. One ethical fashion alternative that has been considered by many is hemp clothing.

Hemp clothing not only offers eco-friendly advantages, but it is also comfortable to wear and can support your fashion style. Hemp itself is a sustainable crop, they grow well and quickly in various climates. It only takes a few months for hemp plants to reach maturity and it doesn’t take much area for hemp to thrive.

Therefore, hemp can make an ideal choice for fashion production. Then what are the benefits you can get if you use hemp clothing:

– Environmentally Friendly

One of the things that hemp clothing is synonymous with is being environmentally friendly. If you need environmentally responsible fashion products, you can consider hemp clothing. When compared to cotton, not too much water is needed for hemp plants to grow.

There is no need for a lot of pesticides during the cultivation of this crop, so the impact on the environment is lower. If you use hemp clothing, you can contribute to reducing the intensity of water waste and chemical exposure.

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– Long Period Of Use

Slow fashion is how a fashion product is used over a long period so that the intensity of fashion purchases can be reduced. Hemp clothing offers high durability so it has a longer service life. Some hemp fashion products also have timeless designs that can be used for longer.

Hemp fabric is more resistant to washing, its shape does not change and it does not get worn out quickly. Because of these advantages, you don’t have to change your clothes often. This slow fashion culture can contribute well to environmental sustainability. Not only can you benefit the environment, but you can also save money on your daily fashion expenses.

– Comfortable Clothing

Another benefit of hemp clothing is its ability to breathe more freely, so you can rely on this clothing for warmer climates. For those of you whose daily lives are often active, then you can also consider hemp clothes. Hemp fibers have a natural structure that can support free circulation.

Hemp clothing can help manage body temperature. You can still feel comfortable and refreshed even after daily activities. Another aspect that makes hemp clothing comfortable is that the fabric can be soft after several washes. Instead of getting a lack of quality, you can feel an increase in comfort.

– UV Resistant

When we do outdoor activities, we need to anticipate sun exposure because of its bad impact on the skin. Hemp clothing can be one of the right solutions for you to consider to anticipate sun exposure. The high number of strands of hemp clothing yarn makes the weave tighter.

Therefore, sunlight will not easily penetrate the hemp material. Hemp clothing can protect users from the harmful effects of sunlight. You also don’t need to worry anymore every time there are outdoor activities if you wear hemp clothes.

– Anti-Bacterial

One of the properties of hemp fiber is hypoallergenic, for those of you whose skin is sensitive, it is recommended to wear clothes with hypoallergenic materials including hemp. Those who have sensitive skin, are usually prone to allergies including because of the clothes they wear.

Aside from the fact that hemp material feels soft against the skin, it is less likely to irritate sensitive skin. The antibacterial properties of hemp clothing can prevent the intensity of bacteria that cause odor so that it can maintain freshness well.

– Hemp Clothing For Versatile Fashion Styles

In addition to providing high comfort and durability, you can also rely on hemp clothing to support your fashion style. You can wear hemp clothes for bohemian style, casual relaxed style, elegant style, and so on. Hemp fabric has great versatility, making it easier to mix and match clothes.

Some garments combine hemp fabric with other fabrics to create varied textures that can support a variety of fashion styles. You can more freely customize hemp clothing with various events. There are quite a few benefits that you can get from hemp clothing.

Clothing made with hemp fibers can offer a blend of comfort, versatile style, durability, and environmental friendliness. Not only can this be good for the sustainability of the fashion industry, it can also provide economic benefits for consumers.

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How Can Hemp Clothing Support Sustainable Fashion Trends?

If you already know what the benefits of wearing hemp clothing are, find out how the hemp fashion trend can support environmental sustainability.

– Carbon Reduction

Every industry should be aware of its carbon footprint, including the fashion industry. Global warming is a global issue that needs to be well anticipated in various ways. Carbon reduction in the fashion industry can come from the transformation of production, supply chain, and the use of finished products.

Fast fashion needs to be avoided as much as possible to avoid the intensity of clothing disposal. Hemp clothing can be a promising fashion trend solution for sustainability because it can absorb carbon dioxide well. While other plants can damage the earth including cotton. To face climate challenges in the fashion industry, the hemp fashion trend must be improved.

– Reducing Water Usage In The Fashion Industry

The way hemp can support environmental sustainability is by minimizing the water used in the production of its clothing. Cotton is a commonly used textile material in the fashion industry but it requires more water than hemp and therefore requires more water resources.

Hemp is a plant that can grow vigorously even if high irrigation is not available. Therefore, hemp consumes less water than other plants that are commonly used as garment materials. Switching to using hemp clothing means you are helping to save water in the fashion industry.

– Good Impact On Soil

Almost any type of soil can be used as a growing medium for hemp. Hemp is a plant that does not take excessive soil nutrients. Hemp plants can help restore certain nutrients in the soil that may have been reduced due to environmental factors. Moreover, hemp has the advantage of being pest-resistant and does not need excessive fertilizer. When the hemp leaves fall, they can fertilize the soil.

– Supporting Slow Fashion

To support slow fashion, hemp fashion is one of the promising alternatives. You must already know that hemp clothing has high durability. But it takes a process that is not easy and quite complex so hemp clothing can have these advantages.

After the hemp is harvested, it goes through a retting process, where the fibers are separated from the other components that bind them together. It takes a while to complete this process, about five weeks.

After a few weeks, the hemp fibers can soften so that they can then be more easily extracted. Through these processes, hemp fabric can be obtained with high durability. Using durable fashion products means supporting the slow fashion movement. Slow fashion is one of the promising innovations to support the ethical fashion industry.

– Waste-Free

In addition to some of the environmental benefits above, hemp materials also have little to no waste. Hemp cultivation is an efficient and multi-purpose agricultural process. The hemp stems will be used as the main fiber material, and in the crop rotation, the bulbs, and leaves can be used as a natural fertilizer.

The cultivation of hemp plants is waste-free while fertilizing the resistant so that it can support further growth. Those are some of the things that make hemp can preserve the environment. Besides being able to provide quality clothing products, hemp can also support environmental sustainability.

That’s a comprehensive review of hemp clothing, hopefully useful for you.